Well, Seth is still poorly :o( He'd not been sick since Monday but had diahrroea and no appetite for the last few days. This morning I bathed him at 7am as he was a little "messy" and he managed some toast. Hurrah.... except for later when both the sickness and diahrroea came back with a vengeance. Ah well.
However, between being O.K. and not being so good, we went for some fresh air. My dad took us and Sadie the bull terrier out for a walk to Sutton Park. We played fetch with Sadie then drove around to the other side of the park so that we could feed the ducks.
Here's Seth on the field where we were playing with Sadie.
Here we are feeding the ducks. There were lots of different types; not just your average ducks, canadian geese and swans. There were a few of the more exotic breeds there too as it's quite an expanse of water.
Here's me trying to hold a (very strong) dog and a very willful Seth.
Seth trying to get as close as possible to the quack quacks.
There was about 10 times more than this at least!
Ok.... so here's just a boring picture of field and a radio mast right? Wrong. This radio mast is my "Twinkle Stick" from when I was a wee one. My mum and dad used to show fancy pigeons and go fishing all over the country and I travelled far and wide with them. I used to watch out for the radio mast dubbed the "Twinkle Stick" because of the way the light flashed and twinkled on the top. I always knew I wasn't far from home when I saw this and it was a comfort thing when I was a kid. Even now if I see this mast I know I'm not far from home and I look forward to getting back and having a cuppa. Funny how these things stick with you no matter how old we are.
And here's a pic from home:
It's not often we get pictures taken together as myself and DB are usually the ones trying to get Seth to stay still etc while the other takes a picture! This was taken earlier this week while we were having 5 minutes cuddle because he'd not been well again. And LOL at my hair! It's not quite long enough to put up properly and I tend to clip some of it up out of the way and it all falls out.... a bad hair day for sure!
The jumper I'm wearing though, for the more observant, is "wicked" by Zephyr Style without the pocket on the front. I think I'd been a bit hasty not putting the pocket on, but I like the fit. Problem is since I knit in DB Merino Aran, the 100% merino content makes it itchy around the neckline. I think that I need either a blend of wool and another fibre for knits that touch sensitive skin like my neck. I know it doesn't look great here but I am sitting rather hunched. I lost the pattern when my PC died but I'd consider making another or something similar. I really like the Zephyr Style patterns. I bought a few when I got the 'wicked' pattern but it would mean scouring my old hard drives etc.
Well, I think I'm ready for a nap myself! We's been into Sutton Coldfield town after our nature walk as well. I popped into Next for some socks for Seth. £65 later, I'd bought him denim dungarees with an orange/brown t-shirt, blue-grey camo trousers, a lime green shower resistant jacket for when the weather is warmer, a pack of 4 long-sleeve t-shirts because he ruins them on a regular basis at nursery and 15 pairs of socks. Me thinks that covers easter presents and then some. Ooops!!! He isn't desperate for clothes.... just in the same way I'm not desperate for yarn, though it's desirable to keep buying it!
Right, I'm off to decide on what take-away we'd like for our weekly treat. I'm starving after all the fresh air!
Oooh I love your piccies :D your wee ones (children and dog!) are lovely :) *feels broody*
Hi have you tried cooking apple for upset tummies. I used it all the time when mine were small as medicine and still do. An older lady told me when she had poorly twins years ago a spanish doctor told her. Might be worth thinking about. X Caroline
Awwww he's adorable! Love the story about the Twinkle Stick and nice top too.
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