Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tinking Back Sunday

(Those in the rock persuasion will get that title on a different level... )

Ahem. I proudly present....

The Jaywalkers! I know the lighting is pretty bad here but you get the idea. I wore them yesterday and they were super comfortable and looked great in my Converse All Stars (which are black with pink trim). I felt fab in possibly the brightest socks ever made!

The next sock project is now Tropicana in my first ever skeins of Lornas Laces:

This is a close-up of the stitch pattern. I took this yesterday, trying to decide whether the pooling of the colours bothered me. The blue/ pink areas seem to move around in a swirly spiral fashion. I think I can live with that.
As you can see I plodded on today to this stage:

So where's all the tinking you ask??

Aah. Well I got to the heel about tea time today. The pattern instructions for the short row heel seemed a little complicated so when it says (and I put it in my own words here) "..use the heel method of your choice.." I thought Yay I'll short row the heel using Wendy's method. Except in all my excitement I forgot that when incorporating your stitches back to the number you start with, you need to double wrap them. I ended up needless to say with a really messy heel plus it was too narrow so I needed to amend that too.

Now tinking is ok in small doses. But when tinking short rows it's a nightmare. All told it took me about and hour and a half to get back to unravelling and re-knitting the heel. (The title is apt simply because it's Sunday and I was also listening to Kerrang Radio whilst tinking and Taking Back Sunday have a new single out which I love).

I am proud of the sock so far though... it's progressed well and it's unusual to see a pattern without ribbing at the top, so we'll see how that turns out too. I reckon it's ideal for hospital since it has a memorable pattern repeat, but not quite as mindless as stockinette. I think I'm getting the hang of this sock lark.

I realise I haven't shown any piccys of the ponchette... it looks a little weird on over the bump. Not bad weird just weird. I will post some up eventually.

Well apart from sock knitting I haven't done a great deal. No surprise there then! I did sort out a few things in the nursery and put up the pram ready for when the baby does eventually decide to show. I figured I ought to know how it works before I actually need to use it.

The living room is now pretty much finished apart from the loose odds and ends to be tied up. It's been lovely having a tidy space to live in again. However the bedroom is a bomb site now thata few things have had to move up there. Ho hum... something to do this week while we wait for baby!

I think I'll drink my cocoa and snuggle into bed... all this sitting on my backside knitting has tired me out! ;o)


Anonymous said...

Get all the rest and sleep you can before the sprog arrives! I bet time really slows down for you now until s/he decides it's time to arrive! Good luck, just be patient!

RoxyK said...

Ooh the socks are lovely!

You are brave on the short row heel. I tried it once and it nearly drove me insane. So its a standard heel flap for me every time now.

Love the LL colourway - it tends to pool but I kinda like it. You never quite know how it will turn out ;)

Unknown said...

I see nothing has happened yet!Make the most of your leisure, you'll be busy enough soon!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. The Regia Stretch came from Rackhams in B'ham, I didn't have much choice as it was the only colour they had!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona

You won my competition, but the email to you is bouncing. Can you email me at skeins at with another email?

Hope everything's ok your end and that you've had your baby!


Carolyn said...

Has the baby arrived yet??
Your Jaywalkers look fab, and I love the colour of the LL you're using for the Tropicana socks.